Friday 4 June, 2010

Home science :-)

As I clean my charming little apartment for a 7 month old and his family coming tomorrow, I see in my cupboards loads of leftovers from a 3 year old's visit :-( (the sad face coz I miss my Lolsamma) there are chocolate covered gummy bears, strawberry jam, goldfish and I have no clue what to do with it all!
If you are wondering why I cant finish chocolates or jam, my teeth have pathetic cavities and with my dentist appointment on the 7th, I don't want to take a risk with anything sugary and gold fish gets boring after a cup.
With school done, I'll get to invite more people over and this means regular cleaning, dusting and related activities.
Full time school meant we had very few guests aka
1. Classmates for group projects ; coffee/tea with cookies
2. Close friends ; close enough to not clean up thoroughly or even ask to bring snacks on their way as we only had frozen meals or Parle G at home.
It feels like a new start, this social game of having people over, cooking for large groups.
I love the fact that my fridge is always stuffed, my pantry has everything and my house is always ready for surprise visits. So come on people, pour in and make "Mi casa su casa"


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

You are so cute Pali!I was imagining you saying Mi casa su casa' in your original funny ,I miss that!