Monday 30 November, 2009

Life like paper,
Life like paper
All of life, all on paper.
Sings a song; its black or white
Black was blue
And white is true.

Black oh black,
If you were true,
Where would burn the spirit of my fire?
Lost in rules, lost forever
Would be the saga, none so right.

Then came white, like the vast blue sky
Brings to life all my dreams.
Like a bursting tree
Shall soon I be.

Happy 3rd Anniversary dear :-)

Monday 16 November, 2009

Comment people

I love the fact that the readership to my blog has increased :-) but....I'd love to see people, plzzz get candid and tell me what you think of what you read!

It makes me want to write more crap!

Monday 9 November, 2009

Now that Ive seen many fans of Bailey's proclaiming their love for this Irish liqueur, many advertisements asking you to try/drink Baileys, I take this opportunity (a little late an attempt)in saying that being a teetotaler was a beautiful thing until I had had a taste of that dammed Irish coffee.
OK, I am forced to talk about coffee again, but that is the sole reason I started drinking even! I only consume a limited dosage of Baileys on a not so regular basis. Personally, I liked the concept of saying 'Sorry I dont take anything alcoholic', kind of made me feel special :-) not for long, I hated it when people related this to Hinduism!
Anyway, long story short, Baileys is fun, Baileys is sweet unlike other stinky alcoholic beverages. I'd recommend it to anyone who is not pregnant, is over 21 and appreciates coffee.

ps: The coffee part at the end is not to be taken seriously, please consume it in moderation and DO NOT absolutely not drink and drive.