Monday 18 January, 2010

I was on a class tour to CA last week and got to befriend quite a few nice people, who thankfully will be my classmates. As you know, to become a good friend, you need to get a little personal, talk about family, origins and as for us desis, have to answer a few curious questions know the drill!

Anyway, during one such dinner talk, I was asked how I met Bala. For a moment, I was tempted to lie like many I have seen do;

'Oh, we met at a party' or 'It was love at first sight at a friend's wedding' etc...

Instead, I braved the consequences and the need to explain something unexplainable and said....we had an 'Arranged marriage'

'Boom,pow, stars, eyebrows, Oh's, wow's and many other hard to perceive expressions'

I decided to cool the scene, bring down the air and said it was more like a dating service that paired us ( hard to say that B's dad was a colleague of my dad's brother or we found him on 'The Hindu' where unsuspecting B's parents put his name

It was only when I said that we spoke for 6 months, met personally, decided patiently & carefully agreed upon each other
that they realized the arrangement wasn't all that 'Arranged' after all!

I swear I heard heaves of relief when I answered 'yes' to their final question
"So you could have said 'NO'"

I went on to make my stand clear by proclaiming 'I did say 'NO' to a couple of guys I so called dated for a couple of months' and vice versa....

Man was I uncomfortable the whole time!
But then, I at least feel true to the beautiful bond I share with B and more importantly, don't have to worry about stories that do not match!

Wednesday 6 January, 2010

My haunted tales!

Very so often, out water closet decides to flush by itself.
Sometimes its the minute I open the locks and get inside and sometimes its midnight, waking a very disturbed me up!
We already have a noisy water heater that clangs its way routinely anyway but now its as if the W.closet is a new addition and the heater wants to hit on the WC, they sometimes clang and flush together!
Not that I believe in ghosts (shit scared of horror movies which I watch very religiously)but there is fun in talking about a hypothetically haunted bathroom!!!

While in hostel, we architecture students who were always spread over a large table/drawing board had trouble finding our eraser that just a few seconds back was in plain sight.
After a minimum of 10 minutes search for that, maybe after borrowing our neighbour's eraser, we would come back to find that dammed eraser right under our noses!
This happened primarily to erasers and sometimes to other stationary. We did come up with a theory that we had invisible ghosts/pixies (hopefully friendly) lurking around that loved teasing us and hid our stuff momentarily!
Oh those tales, wise old tales...but come to think of it, I am not ready for any other explanation that can solve the little mystery of escaping erasers :-)

And the best part about the search was that it gave relief from work, gave me an excuse to run to Peelu's room which was conveniently and intentionally right beside mine, have a little gossip, suddenly remember I was there for a reason, run back to mine, find my eraser and run back to return hers!!!!!
lol....miss those frivolous days :-)

Saturday 2 January, 2010

Happy New Year

Welcome 2010 with a wide smile, loads of good wishes and the aspiration for a world filled with love, peace & harmony.