Thursday 16 August, 2007

Madonna....A Diva

I remember I was so hung up on this song,kept singing it all through my pre-wedding days!My cousin Deepika was so bugged that she decided she would hate this song,all because of my relentless humming.......Time goes by so slowly.
Deepi heres to you, please listen to this again and hope for a comment that you consider listening to this sometime again.May be I'll hum it while doing your wedding shopping?

Ps:Clicking on the title will navigate you to my recommended website


Deepika said...

Believe it or not!!! I just listened to this song yesterday nite while driving back home!!! The first thing I did was change channels....but you know what...I could still hear shills voice going on....."Time goes by...slowly slowly"...aah....ok ok.......I went back and heard it again....the whole song!!!!
But shills it is definitely banned during my wedding shopping:-)))

Shilpa said...

Oh Deepi, here I am humming this tune while you shop away to glory in B'lore....miss being with you :-(