Friday 31 August, 2007


Total eclipses are a big deal right!The Lunar eclipse on August 27th was supposedly best in the West coast skies.I decided to be up and watch the whole thing no matter what time it happened.Fortunately for Balu,the time was not as unearthly as he'd dreaded and agreed to play game with me.We set the alarm for 4 and the coffee machine for 4:15 ( that unmistakable aroma would definetly get us up ) Mr.Coffee won the bet and we walked to our patio with the heady hot coffee and desperately looked for the moon.
Crazy as it might sound, we really did all this and the patio didnt help.We were up and had had coffee so there was no point in going back to bed right!Right so we walked down our deserted apartment complex and finally got a glimpse of a yellow speck on the dark sky.....'The moon'.
It was nothing like what I anticipated , on the contrary, there have been better noneclipsed moon sightings and yet we clicked a few snaps just to make this bizarre experience memorable ;-)

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