Wednesday 7 November, 2007

Sweet tragedy

Balu is a foodie and surprising him with special dishes is something I love to do. A little difficult considering his ever vivacious intrest in exploring every kitchen cabinet, every evening!

This is our first Diwali together and I planned on spicing it up with suprises and infact tried real hard in succesfully hiding an instant jamun packet from his exploring eyes for 2 weeks. Today morning after confirming the final tips from my mom, I started making the jamuns & everything went on fine ;

Perfect sugar syrup...TICK
Proportionate dough...TICK
Golden fried balls....TICK
And to add to perfection, a dash of saffron and cardomom to the syrum...TICK

It really looked so good, a little too much for my first attempt, I anyway patted my back and let them cool patiently (Pretty difficult task for someone who considers jamun as a fav sweet)

Remember it all was meant to be a surprise! so I managed to drown the unmistakable heavy smell that engulfed the whole house by spraying FEBREZE all over. I then picked a neat box to stash away the jamuns, this is when my heart stopped...the jamuns were breaking, I picked one and realised they were gooey inside! hadnt cooked a bit and was now tasting bitter...they were repulsive and I, heart broken!

Dejected and all sorrowful, I called my mom and lamented. She then asked if I had fried them on a low flame...well, how was I to know? Medium here is pretty much fine for frying and I took that for granted! Such a disaster.

Bah, so much for my surprise, This afternoon Balu gets to eat with a dose of the saying..."Dont judge a book by its cover" Feel like the wicked witch from fairy tales now!!

Hopefully I cook something good tomorrow and make it a happy Diwali indeed.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.