Friday 17 July, 2009

The exaggeration for my coffee affliction has no bounds. I am not sure anymore if I like coffee or like the notion of being called a coffee addict! anyway, this confusion landed me with an espresso machine.

Don't get me wrong, I love this guy, he makes an amazing double shot espresso with steamed milk everyday in the morning for me which stops me from hitting the bed after Bala leaves at 7 in the morning!

Its just that somehow the enthusiasm for a story on coffee yet again does not fascinate me. Maybe, it was getting a little too boring anyway.

So I as of now, will leave my coffee stories alone for a while with a hope for something exciting to come along to replace it!


Chill! said...

Oh!!! I am so J of you! I am a coffee connoisseur as well and love a chatting away over a cup of joe.
My dear husband graduated straight from milk to beer and shuns everything intermediary as unworthy of his affections! We definitely should get together for coffee sometime!

Pali said...

Sure, give an hours notice..;-)btw with you at school too, we can surely do it!