Tuesday 8 April, 2008

About my Library

Books are truly a great company. Everyone is approachable when they have have a nice book in their hands. Ive made lots of short but memorable conversations with strangers just because they were reading something that caught my eye or I was reading something that caught theirs!
For instance, on one of my 60 minute ride back home, my silent neighbour was reading Khaled Hosseini's "A Thousand Splendid Suns" I am yet to read that but have read and totally love "The Kite Runner". I waited patiently for her to put down the book or just look away for a minute to strike a conversation. You see, Im not a big fan of speaking to everyone who sits beside me, this lady was reading a book I plan on buying soon hence I was a wee bit curious!
She just didnt pull her eyes away, not even once...she read all the way till her stop and finally she asked me..."Will you be getting down too?" phew!
"No mam, the next one's mine. By the way, sorry for bothering, but how is the book?" she seemed happy I asked, and gave the obvious answer...
"Oh its lovely, its about this...woman"
"Oh really, Ive read the Kite Runner and its amazing, I plan on reading this next" "Oh have you? Im yet to read it"
well, our conversation went on about books;you get the picture right.

There was this other time, while waiting at the bus stop reading "Nicolai Gogol's short stories". The only other guy was this typical hooded high school/Freshman with an i-pod, playing LOUD rock. The bus came, I shut my book and as I was climbing, he pulled his ear plugs off, exclaimed..."Nicolai Gogol!man, I so rarely get to see people read Russian literature!I love all of his works, what do you think of it?" there was the start of another conversation and another interesting bus ride!

Ps; Once at an interview, "Shantaram by Gregory Davis Roberts" fell off my bag and that was one fun interview, well atleast they did feel bad they could not hire me!

So whats going to fall off your bag today?


Unknown said...

Very true abt books getting you to strike a conversation with a stranger :) like now when i am tempted to leave a comment - i wouldnt usually :)

what else do you have in that library ?

Anonymous said...

I have both of Khaled Hosseini's books, The curious incident of the dog......and many more I cant remember :-)

Unknown said...

..and many more i cant remember: happens all the time...and the wife wont let me get in any more books until i refresh my memory or read'em all up :) happens ?

...happy new year to you ! so who's pali..here did that come from ? i know its the last 2 letters in ships (not in that specific order but...curious..) !!

Anonymous said...

My hubby is a little different, he pampers me with things that are worth pampering me with....he knows what gets me clicking a little too well!
Pali is what my close friends call me....well, thts one story I have to post. Do you have a blog too?

Unknown said...

oops...didnt mean it to ound that way when i asked 'happens?' :) i get the pampering and do dole out the works too but thats another topic all by itself...

i wud surely like to hear the plai part of the story :) so go on...cmonit doest have to be ablog..u can write it hear too..(by the way, whats ur gmail id..so i dont cluter the msg here)...

and i dont have a blog..not yet at least but am tempted to write ! maybe i shud just do it !?

Unknown said...

oh and those switzerland pics on ur other post were awesome !