Monday 15 October, 2007

Cricket mania

Every Indian has something to do with cricket; we either love it or hate it but just dont ignore it! not even in a country where all it means is a noisy insect!
Getting the cable connection that has channels telecasting cricket matches is pretty expensive especially considering the fact that we seldom get to watch it live, given the timezone constraints. Nevertheless, getting the scores online, updating it every few seconds with just the refresh button shows how deep the cricketing nerve is rooted.
The lighter side of decisive matches lies in reading the constant streamline of comments & views & whatnot, getting updated faster than the scoreboard. We have die hard fans abusively cursing ill performing players, foul mouthing countries they hate & an occassional inapropriate call from a desperate lover who brazenly writes in......'Sonia I love you'.
Well, drama or masala to an already successful epic...CRICKET

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